Governance Training

New Board Member Orientation – The Executive Committee created the Board Development Committee for the expressed purpose of ensuring every new Board Member has an orientation to the Pool, has a mentor within their size group and has the opportunity for ongoing education. The Board Development Committee shall develop and maintain a written orientation program for new Member Representatives as soon as practicable after appointment. 

Continuing Education of Board Members - The Pool believes in a continual investment of knowledge for Board members for the purpose of enhancing Pool governance. To this end, the Board Development Committee shall submit a maintain a list of continuing education events for Board members each year. Changes to the list must be submitted for approval by the Executive Committee by the Annual Meeting. The Board Development Committee is also vested with reviewing Board member requests to attend events not on the list and forwarding a recommendation to the Executive Committee. Click here to view list of upcoming continuing education opportunities.

Eligibility – To be eligible for financial support to attend any continuing education event, the Member must be represented at three out of four quarterly Board meetings with one being the Annual Meeting. The eligibility requirement may be waived by the Executive Committee.

Attendance – The Member decides which Board member will attend the continuing education event with the Pool’s financial support. The Member may send more than one Board member; however, the Pool will financially support one Board member attendance only. It is anticipated that attendance at continuing education events will be in person.

Funding and Reimbursement – The Pool shall establish a fund for expenses related to continuing education such as registration fees and travel costs on an annual basis. Funding and/or reimbursement of travel expenses are governed in the Expense Reimbursement policy.

Board Education Videos

2024-06 Board Expenses Using Fyle 6/20/2024
2024-06 Expense Reimbursement Policy Changes 6/20/2024
2021-06 Capital Adequacy Assessment 7/8/2021
2021-06 Driver Record Monitoring Update 7/27/2021
2021-06 Sean Hoar Network Security Update 7/27/2021
2021-06 Alliant - Property Renewal 7/27/2021
2021-06 Alliant Cyber Renewal 7/27/2021
2021-06 Alliant APD Renewal 7/27/2021
2021-03 Update on the Impact of PPPA 7/27/2021
2021-03 Actuarial Report 7/27/2021
2021-03 Target Ratio Comparison 7/27/2021
2021-03 Insurance Market Update 7/27/2021
2021-03 Risk Profiles 7/27/2021
2021-09 2022 Budget Review 10/5/2022
2021-12 Target Ratio Comparison 10/5/2022
2021-09 Broker's Report 10/5/2022
2021-09 Underground Storage Tank Renewal 10/5/2022
2021-12 Pierce Transit FTA Collision Avoidance Research Project 10/5/2022
2021-12 Budget & Assessment Allocation 10/5/2022
2021-09 Pierce Transit Tech Grant Update 10/5/2022
2021-09 2022 Loss Fund 10/5/2022
2021-12 Kitsap Transit Tech Grant Update 10/5/2022
2021-12 Crime Insurance Proposal 10/5/2022
2021-12 2021 Year in Training and ASKs 10/5/2022
2021-12 Actuarial Report Update 10/5/2022
2021-12 LMS Demo for Work Session 10/5/2022
2021-12 What to Expect When You Have to Make a Cyber Claim 10/5/2022
2022-03 Todd Introduction 10/5/2022
2022-03 State of the Insurance Market 10/5/2022
2022-03 Actuarial Study 10/5/2022
2022-06 Work Session - Risk Mitigation Technologies - CUTR 10/5/2022
2022-06 Work Session - Cyber Solutions and Funding Discussion 10/5/2022
2022-06 2021 Risk Profile Overview 10/5/2022
2022-06 Separately Managed Accounts 10/5/2022
2022-06 Property, Boiler and Machinery Excess Renewal 10/5/2022
2022-06 WSTIP Treasurer Update 10/5/2022
2022-06 Technology Catalog Overview 10/5/2022
2022-06 CISA Cybersecurity Overview 10/5/2022
2022-06 AON Cyber Solutions 10/5/2022
2022-06 Cyber Liability Renewal 10/5/2022
2022-06 Auto Physical Damage Renewal 10/5/2022
2022-09 Actuarial Study 10/5/2022
2022-09 Underground Storage Tank Renewal 10/5/2022
2022-09 Pierce Drone Tech Grant Final Report 10/5/2022
2022-09 General Liability Policy Renewals 10/5/2022
2022-09 Bylaw Changes 10/5/2022
2022-09 Brokers Report and Market Update 10/5/2022
2022-05 Proposed Bylaw Changes Related to AGRiP Advisory Standards 10/5/2022
2022-05 Changes in Treasurer 10/5/2022
2022-08 WSTIP General and Administrative Budget 10/5/2022
2022-10 Investment Policy Addendum 12/8/2022
2022-12 Crime Policy Renewal 12/8/2022
2022-12 Broker's Report & Market Update 12/8/2022
2022-12 2023 General Wage Increase 12/8/2022
2022-12 Strategic Plan Update 12/8/2022
2022-12 Review of Underwriting Structure Q&A 12/8/2022
2022-12 Review of Underwriting Structure 12/8/2022
2022-12 Actuarial Report, 2023 Assessments Budget 12/8/2022
2022-12 2022 Year in Training and ASKs 12/8/2022
2023-03 Year-Ending 12-31-2022 Actuarial Report 3/23/2023
2023-03 State of the Insurance Market 3/23/2023
2023-03 AON Pilot Project 3/23/2023
2023-03 Top Five Best Practices 3/23/2023
2023-06 Proposed Underwriting Structure 6/22/2023
2023-06 Property Coverage Renewal 6/22/2023
2023-06 Auto-Physical Damage Renewal 6/22/2023
2023-06 Cyber Coverage Renewal 6/22/2023
2023-06 Governance Policy Committee Compensation Philosophy 6/22/2023
2023-09 Intro Video 9/28/2023
2023-09 Bylaws 9/28/2023
2023-09 Governance Policy - Staff Compensation and Benefits Philosophy 9/28/2023
2023-09 Drafts of the General Liability (GL) and Public Officials Liability (POL) Coverage Documents 9/28/2023
2023-09 Selecting Self-Insurance Retention (SIR) 9/28/2023
2023-09 2024 Actuarial Rate Review 9/28/2023
2023-09 Revised Underwriting Structures 9/28/2023
2023-09 2024 Proposed Budget and Assessments 9/28/2023
2023-09 2024 Excess Insurance Layers 9/28/2023
2023-12 2024 Budget 12/1/2023
2023-12 2023 Year in Training & ASK Transit Statistics 12/1/2023
2023-12 Technology Grant Funding 12/1/2023
2023-12 Excess Layers Renewal 12/1/2023
2023-12 Broker's Report and Market Update 12/1/2023
2023-12 Actuarial Report, 2024 Assessments and Budget 12/1/2023
2024-03 Strategic Plan 1C, 1D, Report Out 3/26/2024
2024-03 Driver Record Monitoring (Best Practice Compliance) 3/26/2024
2024-03 Broker's Update 3/26/2024
2024-03 Actuarial Report & Capital Study 3/26/2024
2024-02 Best Practice Compliance - Member Internal Audits of Driver Record Monitoring Programs 3/26/2024
2024-02 Proposed Change in Audit Committee Structure 3/26/2024
2024-06 Assessment Allocation Policy 6/20/2024
2024-06 Transit Rider Medical Expense Endorsement 6/20/2024
2024-06 State of the Insurance Market 6/20/2024
2024-06 Excess Property & Excess APD Renewals 6/20/2024
2024-06 How to Submit an Expense Report 6/20/2024

Board Orientation

01 Behind the Curtain 1/30/2024
02 Behind the Curtain 1/30/2024
03 Behind the Curtain 1/30/2024
04 Behind the Curtain 1/30/2024
05 Behind the Curtain 1/30/2024
06 Behind the Curtain 1/30/2024
07 Behind the Curtain 1/30/2024
08 Behind the Curtain 1/30/2024
09 behind the Curtain 1/30/2024
10 Behind the Curtain 1/30/2024
11 Behind the Curtain 1/30/2024
12 Behind the Curtain 1/30/2024
13 Behind the Curtain 1/30/2024
14 Behind the Curtain 1/30/2024
15 Behind the Curtain 1/30/2024
16 Behind the Curtain 1/30/2024

Helpful Information

Paperless Meeting Device Grant Application 11/17/2020
2024_Expense_Reimbursement_Form.xlsx 1/8/2024
2023 Board Member Expense Reimbursement Form 1/2/2023